
How to Write a Business Blog

How to write a business blog This blog appeared on the PRiME website – an online magazine for women in their prime. I have written a lot about using social media to become a thought leader, positioning yourself to win customers, promotion or speaking opportunities. Blogging is a key part of this. All the women How to Write a Business Blog

How to moderate (facilitate) a panel of diverse cultures

Working in Dubai, perhaps now the global hub of conferences, you can see first hand the challenge of creating a great event with very diverse cultures and managing issues from language to presentation styles. For a moderator (or facilitator) it can be a nightmare.

A client rang me recently asking the best way to manage this variety. Here I share our conversation and moderator tips.

Why organisations should have a plan to engage with politicians

Too many organisations are often guilty of only engaging with elected representatives when things go wrong. We’ve all seen the headlines and cringed a bit at what’s gone on. And too many communications professionals make the same mistake – and aren’t equipped with the right knowledge or prefer not to get involved. But building a Why organisations should have a plan to engage with politicians