Internal communications

Leaders are failing their PR teams – agencies and corporates alike

Over the years, I have trained communications teams and professionals in everything from internal and crisis comms to social media and presentation skills. I must have trained hundreds in the last few years – and gosh, what insights. My big conclusion?  Business leaders don’t talk business to their teams. And this means the quality of Leaders are failing their PR teams – agencies and corporates alike

Five ways businesses fail in communicating change

Jon Dean is a strategic change specialist and works with major organisations to help them implement new programmes, leadership development systems and major corporate transformations. In this guest blog for Northern Lights, he explores the corporate communication challenges of change…

What makes a good blog?

I ran a training day for a group of consultants last week, as the first stage of building their profile. Their homework was to print out a blog they follow and then tell us all why they like it. It’s a great way to get people thinking about blogs and how to make them work. What makes a good blog?