Global business win for Northern Lights PR

15 October 2012 By Northern Lights

Global business win for Northern Lights PR image

Northern Lights PR has won a number of new clients including Worldmark International and the University of York.  Worldmark is a materials science business that designs and manufactures parts for the world’s best-known names in smartphones, tablets, games consoles and laptops overcoming problems such as screens that smash and smear as well as devices that overheat.

Worldmark has 1800 employees and 44 offices in 15 countries from Silicon Valley to China with its headquarters in Glasgow.

Victoria Tomlinson, chief executive of communications and PR agency Northern Lights, said:  “We are focusing initially on helping Worldmark’s senior management team and salesforce to explain complex technology in plain English.  We are doing this through a mix of media training techniques and web-based training programmes for their multi-cultural workforce.”

Northern Lights has been appointed an associate of the University of York and will be delivering social media workshops for businesses with up to 250 employees.  The first free taster event is during York’s Business Week on Thursday 15 November at 1pm at the University and will be followed by two six-hour masterclasses on blogs, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and improving Google rankings.

Anne Watson, global HR director at Worldmark said:  “Northern Lights has shone a spotlight onto our business, bringing an invaluable external perspective to the way that we describe what we do. We have been thinking hard about our products and the way that we articulate them to customers. With the interventions of Northern Lights, we are now crisper and clearer in our communications.”

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Written by Northern Lights